Flowers in Brackenfield Church
If you would like information on a baptism, a wedding or funeral please please contact Rev. Peter Bold.
Every year many people start their journey of faith by being baptised.
Proud parents bring babies - and all their family and friends - to give thanks for their child and set them on the path towards a knowledge of God. Teenagers and adults also come for baptism when they are ready to commit themselves.
Baptisms usually take place at 3pm on a Sunday afternoon, but arrangements can be made for alternative times.
Prior to the Baptism, we invite you to bring your child for a Thanksgiving Service, which are part of our monthly All Age Services, and also a Baptism preparation meeting with our Rector, Peter.
if you would like information on baptism for a child, click here: Information on the baptism of a child.
If you would like information on being baptised as an adult, click here: Information on the baptism of an adult.
Confirmation is a service where teenagers and adults come to declare their faith publicly and receive a blessing from the Bishop; it is a time of celebration for friends, families and the churches.
Before the service the candidates for confirmation will have followed a course with a member of the ministry team giving them time to examine and discuss their faith. If you are interested in taking part in one of these courses to see if you would like to go forward with confirmation, please speak to Celia Kelly.
Thinking of getting married in church? The Amber Churches would love to be part of your special day - do contact Sarah Evans. to discuss your plans and talk about dates.
Meanwhile, here are is a good place to start looking for ideas and to get your questions answered about church weddings. Click here for the Church of England website page on weddings which has FAQs and a ceremony planner which will even let you listen to hymns to help you make your choice.
Christians believe that when a life ends here on earth, it begins in heaven. Everyone has a right to a funeral service in church and one of the Ministry Team will discuss arrangements with you. You will find information on burials, cremations and the funeral service here.
Church representatives will also be available at a later date to talk through bereavement and grieving. There is a special memorial service held at Ashover church annually in November to which all who have lost someone over the past year are invited.